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16. Spiked Land Holdings Spiked Land Holdings

Spiked Land Holdings is a small land company that has only two goals in mind. One, to help make your Second Life home dreams come true. Second, to provide wonderful customer service with affordable land.

17. Pets Sanctuary Pets Sanctuary

Shops to rent for breedables, land for sale both commercial and residential. Thriving and active location for SL Pets. Amaretto Horses, Biobreeds, Bregans, Plant Pets, Precious Dragons, SuccSliggets, Wormwood Fairies, Zwickies, etc. New breedables showcased and added constantly.

18. Integrity Heights Integrity Heights

We value our personal attention given to all our residents. We offer the best and most beautiful in lands from small parcels to full Sims. Discount packages available. Come and check out where you can find your dream land in Second Life.

19. THR Properties THR Properties

Rent from L$25 p/w Mainland parcels for rent & sale Yacht moorings Coastal Properties Roadside Properties

20. Anshe Chung

The largest land provider in Secondlife. We provide everything from " first land" to full sims, both Homestead and Full Prim sims. Many different zoned areas as well as unzoned areas. We buy and sell L$ 24/7

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