Pets Sanctuary
second life business card

A multi-venture business, incorporating:
Pets Sanctuary is a thriving community of shops, selling and showcasing all types of breedable pets, plants, gems etc.
There are shops for rent for as little as L$100 for 50 prims for the sale of breedable pets.
Atlantis Land Corporation selling commercal and resident plots (18 sims) sizes from 1024 sq m up to a whole sim at extremely reasonable prices.
Surest Dragons, adjoining Pets Sanctuary is one of the largest shops for breedables.
Surest Fashion clothing is available on SL Market Place.

Reviews of Pets Sanctuary

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Pets Sanctuary is a really ...

by paradossale Bellic

Pets Sanctuary is a really cute place in Second Life. In it are located many original shops. This site is principally a thriving and active place for Second Life pets and animals. Here, in fact, there are many really charming little animals to care for. In this place there is a ...

Resident's screenshots:

Are you looking for that ...

by BryceShaw Resident

Are you looking for that furry little friend you been wanting? Do you enjoy cute animals with dynamic personalities? If you are then Pets Sanctuary is the place for you! With its own fenced in play area for your pet, you can enjoy shopping at the high quality stores that feature ...

Resident's screenshots:

I like this place even ...

by coolname Resident

I like this place even if I don't buy a pet, its a good place to explore and a virtual petting zoo, rather its Real Life or Second Life I love pets, even the virtual ones, they have dragons horses, and plants, and they have a little play area too for ...