Directory / Commerce / Shops / Gadgets and Vehicles /
Second Life business directory
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16. | Blue Buddha Club Supplies
We have been supplying club owners, shop owners and party animals since 2008. We sell tip jars, dj booths, picture profile displays, male dance animations, female dance animations, unisex dance animations, bars, dance floors dances cages, contest boards, profile picture tip jars, scripts, couches, chairs, tables, club furniture, DJ gear & much much more. | |
17. | Bright Corporation
The Bright Corporation creates and sells quality products through our MegaShop store in Mizar, our AdultShop in McFarren, and a chain of outlets in every important mall across Second Life. We offer gadgets, vehicles, buildings, furniture, art and erotica. Bright Corporation Rentals offer over 450 rental homes to Second Life residents: from ground level apartments, through low-cost private, comfortable skyboxes, to floating luxury villas and self-build platforms for between $75 and $450 a week. We also undertake bespoke development projects for both corporate and private clients. | |
18. | EMU Group Products
Come in and find out. We have something for everyone from living room furniture over butterfly-emiters to rental systems or scriptpackages for builder. EMU - everything I need | |
19. | ArtiZan Creative Solutions
= Helping You Build Your Business = Since 2008 ArtiZan Creative Solutions has been helping Second Life business owners establish, run and promote their businesses by providing creative, innovative scripted solutions to business organisation and development needs, and offering business advice, free starter scripts and marketing information. | |
20. | Outer Heaven
Stylish wall scroll posters, useful gadgets, Star Trek style elevators, holodeck scenes and rezzers, even full scale space stations. Outer Heaven sells all kinds of items that will surely satisfy your hunger for sci-fi tech. | |
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