unVeiled Design&Build
second life business card

I design and build a variety of things for all walks of life in SL, these include builds such as fountains, dancefloors, furniture, sculptures and 3D artwork, along with clothes, accessories, jewelry, household goods, meditation tools, useful items for vampires and werewolves, altars, blood-related products, fun things for kids and grown-up kids, and Alice in Wonderland inspired things. I make what inspires me to do at the time so there is a lot of variety to be found in my shop.

Reviews of unVeiled Design&Build

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

This is a small store ...

by Kay Holmeforth

This is a small store on two levels, situated in the middle of lush vegetation on a tropical sim.

The open fronted store gives you a wonderful view of the sim, with crashing waves all around, a towering lighthouse to one side and an inviting, majestic waterfall to the other.

The ...

Resident's screenshots: