This is a brand new place to explore and take pictures located in a beautiful and peaceful land. The mall counts with a gallery and also a photographic studio, exclusively for the use of its members. The group is free to join and as a member you will have access to ...
Paparazzi Club
second life business card
The new Paparazzi Club, at Virtual Gay World, is a photographic studio, exclusively for the use of its members. The very latest technology and Mesh designed studio in Second Life! - Join for a small once off fee and show us your studio skills. L$500 weekly prize for best photograph submitted by members. Contact me for full details.
Second Life address:
Virtual Gay World (113,19,22)
- Services / Events / Wedding services
- Art and Design / Photo Studios
- Art and Design / Art Galleries
Reviews of Paparazzi Club
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents: