I have to admit something to you all today, but you might have noticed it already. I am truly a Second Life fashion addict. I don’t think this will ever change. I am sure many of you ladies are, just like me, addicted to fashion in Second Life. Here you can ...
JayGee-Fashion to Love 090811
second life business card
I started my stores in SL in March 2008.
Fashion is my passion!!
JayGee Mainstore is located at Brookhurst Cove #1 (16 April 2012), where I have a large range of casual, formal, bridal, ladies fashion, silks, costumes, mens suits, mens fashion, and much more.
JayGee Group is for those who love fashion and I am proud to offer quality group gifts and special prices on my 4th Floor, along with shoes.
Second Life address:
Brookhurst Cove (59,214,2501)
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
- Appearance and Personalities / Skins, Hairs, Avatars and Eyes
- Art and Design / Personal accessories / Jewelry
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of JayGee-Fashion to Love 090811
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
I was quite surprised when ...
I was quite surprised when I landed at JayGee-Fashion to Love, I wasn't expecting a well established looking store. My thoughts were maybe a strip mall, however, I was pleasantly surprised to find what not just has the appearance of longevity, but is a beautiful experience waiting to happen. I say ...