Flying in Second Life is one of many freedoms you have in the virtual world. And for those that enjoy, not only flying around the grid like a bird, but want to experience a different way of flying, such as, piloting an aircraft; Aztral's Airport offers you the opportunity to bring ...
Aztral's Airport
second life business card
Bring your airplane, helicopter, airship or spaceship - rez and fly to many other OldWorld locations on the mainland. Lots of LL protected sims nearby to fly to.
Find Terra Fuel, planes, airships, helicopters and spaceships from multiple
Second Life address:
Hibdon (149,91,71)
- Commerce / Shops / Gadgets and Vehicles
- Land services / Commercial rental
- Commerce / Shops / Weapons and Security
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of Aztral's Airport
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
When I saw this post ...

When I saw this post that I could do a Review for I was excited because I am a Pilot in Second Life and enjoy finding new Airports. The thing I thought was cool though was that the coming and going, where you're about to land and take off, the landing ...
In Second Life, I'm at ...

In Second Life, I'm at a large airport checking out planes and helicopters test driving a little private plane and having a crash of epic proportions into the ocean… and lived, thinking only, “I need to get one of those!!” Aztral’s Airport in Hibdon is a must see for any aviation ...
Aztral's Airport & Skyport & ...

Aztral's Airport & Skyport & Spaceport (mainland airport) at Hibdon: a detailed and high-quality design for an impressive, multi-storied airport terminal. VIP lounge and facilities, as in an international Real Life airport! At Aztral's Airport you can find helicopters and planes for every purpose (leisure, advertising, Police, commercial flights, amphibious engines). ...