Atmosphere that awaits the visitors upon coming to the Karaoke Lounge is amazing, noticing how visitors are stunned by the performers voice wile singing. That awaits anyone whom decides to have a visit to the Lounge will be as stunned as I was, hearing the voices of the performers and the ...
O Karaoke Lounge
second life business card
we sing live 24 hours a day 7 days a week. some sing in local voice, some sing on the music stream and some sing live video stream. we are SL's first and best Karaoke Lounge [since 2007] and the only live music venue that goes 24/7.
our officers are very helpful, and with a friendly at home type atmosphere you'll see why the ~O~ Lounge is still SL's #1 karaoke lounge
Second Life address:
Secret Pleasures (30,228,25)
- Services / Streaming Live Audio & Video
- Entertainment / Music
Business Images
Reviews of O Karaoke Lounge
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
What a great place! I ...

What a great place! I have never been in a club like this one, in fact I have never been in a karaoke before; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week it’s karaoke, isn't it amazing? This is first karaoke lounge on Second Life and what is more, they are ...
O Karaoke Lounge is a ...

O Karaoke Lounge is a place for a brand new kind of entertainment here on Second Life - singing karaoke. By singing with an online music background into the local voice chat, you and others may experience a whole new vibe on Second Life that is just like what its real ...
0 Karaoke Lounge is an ...

0 Karaoke Lounge is an extraordinary club, located in an interesting place above the water. So if you approach it, there will be unusual view from the beginning. But even without noticing it, there will be a surprise inside - it is not a usual club with streaming music. This club ...