SFW Industries feeds your "Safe For Work" needs in Second Life. This company sells Office Furniture, Gadgets and decorations all to improve the appearance and functionality of your Second workplace. On the first floor of SFW Industries, you will find a wonderfully layed out showfloor which flaunts the more commonly sold ...
SFW Industries
second life business card
SFW Industries is a play on the acronym NSFW, as in "Not Safe For Work". This acronym is commonly appended to website links office workers send to each other, to let others know they shouldn't access the material while in the workplace.
SFW, therefore, IS "safe for work" -- in fact, it's designed for it. SFW Industries aims to create a Second Life experience that is appropriate for the corporate office environment. It creates and sells professional clothing, office furniture, accessories, realistic avatar bodies, and useful time-saving collaboration tools all in an office-friendly atmosphere which is safe for work-time browsing.
SFW Industries would like to promote the use of Second Life as a viable platform for business-related interaction; it's the ultimate in collaborative tools. Fortune 500 companies like IBM and Avaya are already saving millions in costs related to travel and conference fees by utilizing virtual environments for presentations, educational experiences, product and environmental prototyping.
We welcome your questions on how best to present the idea of virtual collaboration to your management, or how to connect geographically distant team members so they can benefit from enhanced communication. We also offer consultative and training services to make the jump to virtual interaction as smooth as possible.
Please visit our main office and/or join our group for more information, and notices of new products and upgrades.
Second Life address:
Dokkaebi (217,142,71)
- Commerce / Shops / Gadgets and Vehicles
- Commerce / Shops / Skins, Hairs, Avatars, Eyes
- Commerce / Business-to-Business
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of SFW Industries
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
A beautiful little store to ...

A beautiful little store to find the all the little items that one would need to make their own little store that much better. It is a nice two floor shop that deals mostly with your needs in furniture to make you little shop look so much better. There is a ...
In this store you will ...

In this store you will find all kind of furniture and other accessories for your business. The furniture is focused on the office environment and meetings. There are highly detailed desktops that include a computer, a flat screen, a plant and even a paper airplane. There are also beautiful seating sets ...
Have you ever wondered where ...

Have you ever wondered where all the cool stuff is from? Well here is one of the perfect stores in second life. I honestly found this place truly amazing! Everything here is perfect the store decoration, the building and the well organized place not all the stores has all those advantages! ...
A very good and warm ...

A very good and warm place. Like my home, but better. I saw a lot of very good products for house and more. I was shocked about the quality of objects. I really need some of these stuffs and I will buy some. Enjoy that good shop!