Gloomy atmosphere, distressing dreams, hopeless love, romance and melancholy of death is what the word "Gothic" suggests, but Wretched Dollies, this amazing store, goes beyond all this, by mixing Lewis Carroll with Ann Radcliffe and obtaining a great, wonderful place for architecture and decoration. Bizarre trees and giants mushrooms are the ...
Wretched Dollies
second life business card
Wretched Dollies has doll clothing, skins, furnishings and garden supplies for male and female dolls in the Gothic Lolita, Neo Victorian, Gothic Victorian and Whimsical Dolly styles.
Second Life address:
Wretched Hollow (119,135,33)
- Art and Design / Home and Interior
- Appearance and Personalities / Skins, Hairs, Avatars and Eyes
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of Wretched Dollies
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Wretched Dollies is a store, ...
Wretched Dollies is a store, where you can find everything what a dollie needs. You find there cute dollie dresses, noble doll dresses and some dresses for dark dolls. But there is more, then only dresses. You can find there skins, eyes, hairs and accessories. Everything looks very good, with a ...
Hey, if you are looking ...
Hey, if you are looking for a great place to shop this place it's the best! It has everything you need for your avatar, for female and male, unique outfits and different styles. You can also find beautiful and realistic skins, nice furnishings and awesome garden supplies. And everything it's not ...