The Spaceport is a truly awesome place to check out, there are so many different areas to teleport to and each one has unique items to buy, some very cool. The areas that you can explore are Time Lords, Shipyard, En Garde! (Fencing), Music Pop Club, W. K. I Store, TCJ ...
second life business card
Spaceport is a science fiction based sim within Second Life ©
The vision: Spaceport is seen as a crossing point in the galaxy of pilots, pirates, traders, diplomats and tourists. A wide variety of races pass through Spaceport for many different reasons, this makes it a fun colorful environment where you are never quite sure what you will see next. We welcome all races at many different social and economic levels.
Entertainment events may include some Live artists, social gamining tournaments and special events. You can find a spot to dance the night away or explore the giant spaceships, space stations, planets, and asteriods. There is always more to come back and see. Members can rez their own ships and enjoy the skies. Designers often work high in the sims on their next projects.
RP is allowed withing sim rules however we leave it up to members to organise the RP. RP is not required to visit just an understanding that some parties visiting the sim maybe engaged in active RP. Normally you will be given the chance to join or step away from the area.
Second Life address:
Spaceport (136,105,53)
- Commerce / Shops / Gadgets and Vehicles
- Art and Design / Vehicles
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of Spaceport
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The teleport station at Spaceport ...

The teleport station at Spaceport offers an easy way to visit the various locations at Spaceport. Pick up a copy of the rules before you head out exploring. The rules are pretty easy to live with: Be nice. Pick up after yourself. After reading over the rules, take advantage of the ...
This Sim is very beautiful! ...

This Sim is very beautiful! Set in the future, this place really does set the mood well! It's very detailed and really DOES look like it'd be some kinda space port of the future set on some other planet! There's a LOT of spaceships around, so it looks like some kind ...