Fresh and exciting ideas for your personal home or club establishment can be found at Raine Designs Dance Floors and More! The designs found here are very original based on what I have seen around Second Life. The floors have particle emitters in them which is a cute idea and visually ...
Raine Designs Dance Floors and More!!
second life business card
Specializing in Unique Quality Dance Floors!
Menu Controlled for ease of use. Most Floors can be changed to many different patterns or colors.
Many themes to choose from.
We also have Greeters, Gesture Poofers, Dance Machines, Animated Animals, Christmas Decorations, Houses, Particle Emitters, Group Poses and More!
Second Life address:
Happily Ever After (165,165,21)
- Commerce / Shops / Gadgets and Vehicles
- Commerce / Business-to-Business
- Commerce / Shops / Home and Garden
Business Images
Reviews of Raine Designs Dance Floors and More!!
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Raine Designs offers a variety ...

Raine Designs offers a variety of products with reasonable prices and low scripts. One arrives on a rather nondescript roadway in front of the broad foyer. This area displays featured products and deals, and has several interactive demo versions of popular products. Eight vendors featuring dance balls, framed art, particle fixtures, ...
Here you have the great ...

Here you have the great opportunity to visit a fantastic store which offers different unique items like dancefloors, animated animals, particle emitters, greeters, gesture poofers, dance machines and much more for your disco or for other situations. Inside the shop you will find a teleporter which will teleport you to the ...