Directory / Services / 3D-building /
Second Life business directory
11. | Brick and Mortar Designs
Building Quality Retail Shops, Night Clubs, Homes, Multi-Use Structures and Fountains in SL. Commercial / Residential / Fountains Custom work available ( most custom builds require 1 to 2 weeks to complete). Price on custom work varies, Price will be set prior to build. All of my builds are copy, modify, no transfer so that you can change textures or add and remove pieces if you so desire. We Believe Quality Can Be Affordable. | |
12. | Picture This Studios
Picture This Studios offers elite photoshoots of all creatures, people, vampires, and products/scenes. Many different backdrops and options for every price range. | |
13. | Bigbear Design Profesional Mesh Builder
Come in and see designs in both mesh and clothing, also different types of avatar, SL home and land from building to clothing. We carry a wide range of items for your avatar and your second life. If you are a business owner that like to buy full perm resell-able merchandise made to your specs please visit us; we often have mesh design artists streaming there work live as they create. | |
14. | X Designs
Specialist building clubs. Components for clubs. Garden furniture. | |
15. | Visual Identity & Sara Wayland (jointly owned)
Visual Identity & Sara Wayland is a company specialising in the creation of mesh objects, including buildings, furniture, plants and fitted mesh clothing. You can also find make up and texture packs, a bit of everything really. | |