Directory / Art and Design / Sculpted Prims /
Second Life business directory

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6. Flower shop Usako Flower shop Usako

Flower shop made of all scalpted prims. Beautiful texture and shape.

7. AtiXx Design AtiXx Design

You will find wonderfull builds, furnitures, and mostly full perms with sculpty map.

8. Faerycat Designs

An eclectic and whimsical mix of everything from furnishings, to fashion, to builder's resources.

9. Rainimal-SS Rainimal-SS

Rainimal-SS Wildlife System offers real living Animals off many Kinds. Such as Rabbits, Sheep, Wolves, Fishes, Koi and many more Also available Sculpts and prefabed Items, japanese Furniture, 1 Prim Forests and Trees and other low primed Goods

10. Urban303 Urban303

Male and Female Cloathing for your Avatar. Mesh and Texture Cloathing. Shoes. Pants. Tops. Jogging Pants. Jackets. Jeans.

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