Encounter Boxes
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Encounter Boxes
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Encounter Boxes were made for the discriminate role player on Second Life. They allow you to play out encounters with your friends, using minimum prims and space. All you need to do is select the genre and scene from your game, and rez the box in the sky at any height you wish.
Each Encounter Box was designed for minimal land impact, yet contain all the essential scenery for role playing a realistic and "cinematic" encounter. And because they are copyable, you can rez as many as your sim allows.
Use Encounter Boxes for long communication sessions with players and other key characters in the story lines you are playing out. Use the boxes for combat sessions, or encounters where there may require realistic surroundings. The Boxes can be used for specific trap locations or treasure finds. There is literally no end to the uses of these ultra cool role playing aids.
Minty Entertainment has and will create hundreds of these Encounter Boxes, spanning many genres, including; Medieval, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Old West, Steampunk, Gothic, Modern, Cyberpunk, Victorian, Near Future, and tons more.
Each genre will include generic scenes that may have multiple uses, such as street scenes, building interior scenes, vehicle scenes, and many other scenarios that have infinite possibilities for your gaming fun.
Second Life address:
Staccato (164,78,22)
- Entertainment / In-World Games / Simulators
- Entertainment / In-World Games / Role playing
- Entertainment / In-World Games / Action games
Website URL:
http://www.jppohio.net/Encounter Boxes/EncounterBoxes.htm
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