Established since 2006, this is the place chosen by the most exigent customers for skins and shapes in Second Life. It offers elegant, refined and high detailed complete avatars, skins, shapes and hair for men and women. It is a pioneer of style and appearance in Second Life and one of ...
second life business card
Established in 2006, KMADD is the leading style & appearance brand in Second Life. KMADD offers wide range of products and services ranging from male & female fashion & accessories to hair, eyes, skins and complete avatars and poses. KMADD own MAD Agency a boutique fashion agency that has represented some of the leading fashion brands in Second Life like: LeLutka, Cheerno, Paper Couture & has collaborated on numerous fashion events with Modavia, Siren Productions, Avenue & Best of SL. For more information on what KMADD can do for you & your brand please visit: www. kmaddmoda. com
Second Life address:
Kmadd Enterprise (74,121,50)
- Commerce / Shops / Other
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
- Appearance and Personalities / Skins, Hairs, Avatars and Eyes
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of KMADD
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents: