A few seconds is all it takes on the landing spot to know that visiting KL Couture will be a pleasurable experience. This is an extremely easy store to find your way around, with clear and accurate signposts to all departments. They are conveniently arranged around a central navigation point. It ...
KL Couture
second life business card
KL Couture, high quality fashion for women.
Casual wear, evening gowns, jewelry, footwear, accessories and much more!
Gift Cards and special promotions. All transfer & resizer.
Gifts for group members.
All the fashion you can dream is at KL Couture, where fashion is made by passion!
Second Life address:
KL Couture (115,128,25)
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
- Commerce / Shops / Personal accessories
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of KL Couture
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
This is one of the ...
This is one of the best places to check if you are interested in fashion in Second Life. You will find everything you need in just one huge store. It counts with two complete floors to explore and there are many sections to check. It is surrounded by fountains and vegetation ...