There is nothing that spices up a Second Life experience like a really good looking avatar with classy outfits. At Bran Baster Altair Designs, one can find all that's needed to do just that and so much more at a fraction of the price. The store is really neat and organized. ...
Bran Bastet Altair Designs
second life business card
At Bran Bastet Altair Designs we make a variety of things for Secondlife like clothes, skins, eyes, etc. a feel for the egyptian flare of things though we don't stick to that. We cater to neko's and vampires, and all maner of customers. We are also one of the cheapest stores in SecondLife. Reasonable prices is our goal.
Besides, we offer custom tattoo's for our customers, just send a note card to Renesmee Bracula. Come by our shop and see all we have to offer. we currently do not have demo's but are working on that. We also are working on offering lola tango appliers and gorean clothes.
Second Life address:
Tiger Bay (149,209,22)
- Commerce / Shops / Home and Garden
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
- Appearance and Personalities / Skins, Hairs, Avatars and Eyes
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of Bran Bastet Altair Designs
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The first thing one looks ...

The first thing one looks at when they see an avatar in Second Life is the avatars eyes. Our eyes have to be special, unique, astonishing and soul capturing. In Second Life staring at eyes is very much like in real life, you must be able to drown in someone's eyes. ...