Established since September 2012, this exclusive place suits every Second Life shopaholic's needs. The owner is an experienced creator, model and also a blogger. The store offers fashionable clothing, modeling services, shoes and even modern furniture. The high detailed items are made from scratch (3ds max and blender, sketch up, 3d paint, and many more 3D and graphical software). This is a guarantee of good quality mesh items for men and women. This store is specialized in custom designs. There are some interesting boots and shoes. The shop counts with many sections and styles of fashionable clothing, such as: casual, formal, jewelry and accessories for men and women. Their intention is to create unique mesh items for models, stage performers or any fashion lover in Second Life.
There are some lucky chair prizes near the entrance. You can search their marketplace web page to check their items in case you feel a bit lazy. There is an inworld group with exclusive gifts every month. You have to pay a fee to join but it is worth it.