When you first arrive at the store there is a lot to take in because this store is huge! It fills up nearly the whole sim! The feel when you arrive is a mix of medieval and gothic with a touch of Halloween. The building is a perimeter building meaning it ...
The House of Avro
second life business card
The House of Avro has been creating high quality Contend since early in 2008
All our creations are crafted to exceptional standards, using the best in building techniques to deliver content that is highly detailed and yet low prim and low lag as possible!
Using custom made textures and mesh components we can now offer even lower land impact in our content without sacrificing in visual quality and that's always a good thing for residents!
We cater for the more discerning customers that want the best but our prices are very competitive.
Second Life address:
End of Days (128,55,24)
- Commerce / Shops / Furniture
- Commerce / Shops / Prefabs & Prims
- Commerce / Shops / Home and Garden
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of The House of Avro
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The House of Avro is ...

The House of Avro is a dark and gothic themed big store in Second Life specialized in high quality castle furniture and many other items. Upon entering the store the visitor will find lots of decorative items such as mesh gravestones, a gothic greenhouse, torches, candles and a wandering skeleton ghost. ...
This is a large shopping ...

This is a large shopping area for those who are interested in Gothic and Victorian styles. On offer is a wide range of items in this style of both indoor and outdoor furnishings suitable for a Gothic or Victorian styled Second Life sim.
The indoor area of the store has ...