ILY's Fam{ILY} Restaurant
second life business card

Thank you for your interest in ILY's Fam{ILY} Restaurant Located at Teen-Space.
What does ILY's stand for you ask (I Love You) and its is also the last 3
letters in the word FamILY. So you can say its stands for I Love You or just
Family either way we are a Family friendly Restaurant here to serve your
favorite foods, drinks and desserts. Come on down and have your next meal here at ILY's

Reviews of ILY's Fam{ILY} Restaurant

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Today was just one of ...

by QueenAbrams Resident

Today was just one of those days where I logged in and hoped to see something fun and interesting. I am pleased to say I got just that upon visiting ILY's Fam{ILY} Restaurant. This is a beautiful place in Second Life where you can come and hangout and get your cyber ...

Resident's screenshots: