Le Chic
second life business card

we have cute accesories and shoes, come to visit us. lot of hunts and special sales and dont forget to check our subscriber board

Reviews of Le Chic

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

The overall message a visitor ...

by Kay Holmeforth

The overall message a visitor receives when visiting this store is "Fun and value".

At certain times of the year, content creators - clothing creators in particular - like to arrange "Hunts". In a hunt, items are hidden and participants are given clues and hints as to where the items can ...

Resident's screenshots:

Le Chic is a fairly ...

by Albe Watanabe

Le Chic is a fairly new brand in the fashion world of Second Life. It produces good quality women's clothing at affordable prices. The building has two floors where you can walk around, freely looking at the vendors with clothes. On the ground floor the customers can find elegant clothes, although ...

Resident's screenshots: