Today I decided it was time for me to dive into a search to find a store that creates both mesh for women and men. We all know that menswear is - and always has been - a tricky problem in Second Life fashion. During my search I discovered a truly ...
Nevermore Designs
second life business card
Nevermore Designs: Never pay More Than You Should Have To For Quality.
Mesh Mens - Womens - Submissive and Petite Clothing & Role-play Items at Affordable Prices.
Also savor Nevermore Romantic Notions Custom made and Exclusively Made Beds with over 600 poses. The last bed you will need to buy in SL. All located in One massive Location In a Warehouse Sized Facility & Full Sim that has been in SL since 2004. Tathassa. A Sim that isnt going anywhere in SL. Styles and stock that are updated by at least 10 a week.
Second Life address:
Tathassa (202,242,997)
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
- Art and Design / Home and Interior
- Commerce / Shops / Furniture
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of Nevermore Designs
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Nevermore designs is an easily ...

Nevermore designs is an easily navigated main store with a variety of products, promotions, and things to see. The store is very spacious and visually separated by platforms, rather than signs and teleporters. A help desk with cheery slogans, a landmark and group joiner, job offers, and other promotions is centrally ...
Nevermore Designs offers a cornucopia ...

Nevermore Designs offers a cornucopia of items and by doing so will have something that should appeal to everyone.
Landing in-front of the store you will get an impression of the high quality of the items. The decorative fountains provide a stylish front piece around which important information such as group ...
Nevermore Designs is a store ...

Nevermore Designs is a store where to buy clothes and home furniture. The store is located in a two floors building and it's very large and well organized. On the ground floor the customers can choose among beautiful outfits both for men and women. In particular, walking in the store, on ...