Roques Media is a store that sells different types of media players in Second Life. The store has many televisions, radios, and more to choose from. All of the stuff sold at this location has lifetime updates available. You can use the media sold at this store with any version three ...
Roques Media
second life business card
A Roques Media System is THE most advanced media system in Second Life!
Out televisions have movies, tv series, YouTube, full music albums, radio and much more.
Using version 3 viewer possibilities, we are the creators of an innovating new kind of media in Second Life. Several programmers have been busy making your experience with our systems as user friendly as possible.
Everything is touch screen and that means watching a movie, a YouTube clip or tv series and listening to a huge selection of radio stations or music album is never more than a few clicks away.
The best thing is that all NEW content to come will automatically be added to your system! Isn't that great!?
Of course in that case it is also very important to know that we add content constantly, so it will always be up to date and the choice grows bigger and bigger all the time.
All this content is already loaded into your screen even when we change it, what means you never have to come to our store again and can shop movies, series or cd's from your livingroom!
All these advanced techniques are for sale for an ULTRA low price!
Come to our showroom to view what model you want TODAY!
Second Life address:
Private Cove (200,65,25)
- Media / Movie / TV
- Entertainment / Theaters and Cinemas
Reviews of Roques Media
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Sitting in your lush SL ...

Sitting in your lush SL home on your fancy mesh couch in a sweet cuddle with your partner wishing you could watch a movie. This doesn’t need to be the case if you stop by Roques Media in Private Cove to pick up their media system.
These low prim media systems ...