Deer Home & Garden
second life business card

Deer Home & Garden™ is owned and managed by DEERCo. ™
Deer Home & Garden™ provides family homes in a variety of styles and floor-plans to meet the diversity of its customers. We pride ourselves in high quality & affordable homes for all budgets. Deer is dedicated to providing Second Life® with that perfect home sweet home to make all your dreams come true.

Reviews of Deer Home & Garden

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Deer Home & Garden is ...

by ZoeyPenelope Resident

Deer Home & Garden is a company in Second Life that sells quality buildings. There are homes as well as shops available. All of these are very quaint and very well made. There are a multitude of options available to suit all tastes. If you are currently in the market for ...

Resident's screenshots:

Deer Home & Garden is ...

by Billyson Sabra

Deer Home & Garden is a small but sweet housing design agent. Although it does not have an enormous size office, just a ground floor of a small village building, it provides good quality house models for all residents in Second Life. When visitors first time arrive the shop, they must ...

Resident's screenshots:

In Deer Home & Garden ...

by SL Resident

In Deer Home & Garden the houses are the most gorgeous homes with decorating exteriors with bright colors with a prefect touch of design and beautiful textures, including stores, small houses or a mansion with a very nice ambiance and appeal in a nice architecture and decoration where each house is ...

Resident's screenshots: