Seanchai Library is an amazing location in Second Life that offers many types of literature. The library offers live book readings where you can listen to someone read a story and talk about it with everyone. The first area for the live sessions is very relaxing and quaint. There are comfortable ...
Seanchai Library
second life business card
Literature of all types brought to life in Second Life. Stories in open voice.
Second Life address:
Imagination Island (45,209,28)
- Entertainment / Poetry and Spoken Word
Reviews of Seanchai Library
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Seanchai Library is a must ...

Seanchai Library is a must stop location for those who enjoy Celtic based literature and readings. The main theme of these readings is the area of mythology, fantasy and culture. The library provides and indoor and outdoor venue for it's readings in simple but suitable and picturesque surroundings. There are readings ...
The Seanchai Library, pronounced Shanna-key ...

The Seanchai Library, pronounced Shanna-key which is Irish Gaeilge for "storyteller" is a lovely little parcel located on Imagination Island. Give it a moment to rez and you will be greeted by the sight of a garden with a 12th century stone church, a fire ring and modern building which houses ...