Second Life is full of giant, baffling shopping malls, 99% empty, taking an age to walk - or more often run or fly - between occupied stores. Saphire-Star Promenade is not one of these places, and is a much better place for it. A fireworks display and a number of animated ...
Saphire-Star Promenade
second life business card
Promenade of all styles Clothing, Shoes, even Mermaid splender and all the stuff in-between. Well known brands, come check us out say hi to our staff and find that something your looking for.
Second Life address:
Topaz Oasis (74,96,21)
- Commerce / Shops / Jewelry
- Commerce / Shops / Malls
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
Reviews of Saphire-Star Promenade
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Saphire-Star Promenade is a collection ...
Saphire-Star Promenade is a collection of shops from around Second Life. It has some of the best known brands in Second Life. It is a virtual promenade in Second Life. At present, there are 12 shops in Saphire-Star, more are to come. In the promenade all kinds of things starting from ...
The Promenade is a tidy, ...
The Promenade is a tidy, spacious courtyard lined by small stores. Upon entry, a visitor is asked to have their picture displayed in the nearby visitor counter, which also flashes the signs of stores in the courtyard. This tool also has several nifty buttons that give a landmark, group-join, and even ...