Starlight Horse Pawn Shop
second life business card

Amaretto Breedable Horses, we all love them, but what if you're in big need of some money, to pay for food/salt, or even worse, tier! We will either pawn or buy your horse, and then display them in our sales yard again. You could also get a direct sales stall at an affordable price, or do it the quick way by getting a bidboard. Got a good male? Stud him out. everything is possible

Second Life address:
aHead (224,159,22)

- Commerce / Shops / Animals

Reviews of Starlight Horse Pawn Shop

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Starlight Horse Pawn shop buys, ...

by ZoeyPenelope Resident

Starlight Horse Pawn shop buys, sells, and trades breedable amaretto horses. The shop is small and quaint. When you walk inside it is fairly straightforward. There are three different desk areas. The first desk area is set up for Pawning horses. There are rules set up next to this desk that ...

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