Edging into the vast city of Phoenix is overwhelming, not by the sheer size even though it surely takes up a full sim plus, but by the care and dedication that was evident in its construction. I was greatly impressed by the buildings and street set ups, the area was easy ...
City of Phoenix SL
second life business card
The City of Phoenix opened in May of 2012. The city continues to evolve every day. Currently, mesh buildings are being built in place of the current buildings. The city is also hiring (role-play only) in all public service areas. If working for the city doesn't appeal to you, you are welcome to open your own business and/or engage in role plays throughout the city once you are a citizen. Applications for employment and citizenship applications are located in the main landing area. Any questions, contact Stacey Zirgar.
Second Life address:
Vingolf (117,154,53)
- Entertainment / In-World Games / Role playing
- Land services / Residential rental
Website URL:
Reviews of City of Phoenix SL
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The City of Phoenix has ...

The City of Phoenix has a wide range of activities for you to take part in for the urban role play that it offers. There is also plenty to attract the casual visitor as well. Upon arrival you will have a number of options in relation to the role play and ...
It's a virtual city that ...

It's a virtual city that actually look pretty awesome, the buildings are all align just like a real city would be, streets that you can drive down, with street name signs, stop signs, do not enter signs, wrong way signs, speed limits, exit signs, traffic lights, and bridges that you can ...