One of the ultimate dream for an Second Life resident to experience after months or even years of exploration may consist in finding a cosy place to call "home". With so many available possibilities this beautiful dream can easily transform into a daunting task. Where to begin, with what to start? ...
Town of Socastee
second life business card
The Town of Socastee is a RP land, the town has shops and Apartments and houses for rent, includes Section 8 Apartments for no payment on file. there are Town buildings such as Socastee Civic Center, Donation Ship Socastee Helping Hands Socastee High School and Socastee School for roleplay child avatars, open to SL Community. There is a Socastee National Bank, with SL ATM Machines
Second Life address:
Catana (199,112,22)
- Commerce / Marketplaces
- Commerce / Banks
- Appearance and Personalities / Personal Homes
Reviews of Town of Socastee
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The town of Socastee has ...

The town of Socastee has rentals available. The town is also a place for role-play. When you first arrive to the town you are in the middle of the city. I was immediately greeted by one of the owners which made me feel very welcome. There are roads and store locations ...
Town of Socastee is a ...

Town of Socastee is a highly detailed low lag sim with a light mix of everything. I love the street urban section as well as the beach club section. There is lots of rentals available here. Looks like both business and residential rentals are fairly priced. (I saw one residential unit ...
The sim looks great, another ...

The sim looks great, another little city within Second Life. The city is small but cute, and set up really nice. The people on the sim are friendly. The city has everything a real city would have like schools, a fire house, and a police station. The little church house is ...