The building itself on the outside alone is stunning. The landing point has boards on each side with tons of info, and a landmark to the gallery. The inside is absolutely amazing. It's beautiful with seamless textures, very colorful, from the floors to the details of the walls. Found dance balls, ...
The Rose Theatre
second life business card
Welcome to The Rose Theatre in Second Life. A cultural mecca bringing together art, music and passion within one venue that will tantalise your senses and provide a visual and audible feast for your soul.
The brainchild of Kaya Angel in 2007, Angel Manor Estate is the product of a recipe containing hard work, style and a pinch of imagination.
Angel Manor is a two sim building old English Manor House of opulence and grandeur, with a hint of mystery and intrigue that will keep you coming back.
We showcase performances in The Rose Theatre and the Opera House a minimum of three times a week, which provide us with an average avatar attendance of 55 people, with a maximum sim allowance of 85/90 per performance (some of which vastly exceed this). As the performance sim is seperate from the audience sim, we can cater to larger audiences with much less lag than competing venues.
We have been privileged to have resident performances from some of the very best in SL entertainment, including Mankind Tracer, XanderNichting Writer, Tamra Hayden and Samm Qendra to name a few.
The Angel Manor sims have a large range of Furniture found all over the estate which you can buy. The new range of buildings (which is still growing) offers the same level of detail and design as Kaya’s main build of the Manor House.
We showcase SL and RL artists every month in our art galleries under the direction of our art curator, Kylie Sabra-Angel. Every month, new and exciting exhibitions are shown in our main gallery, and the sheer talent of the artists who are chosen to showcase needs to be seen to be believed.
We can cater to any event you would like to produce, please send a notecard or email outlining the event you wish to host with us.
We have a minimum of three performances a week on our Theatre (vocal and instrumental) and Opera House stage (instrumental) with an average attendance of 50 - 80. Each month, our curator showcases eleven of the best and most talented SL and RL artists in our galleries.
Kindest Regards
Kaya Angel
Kezzy Angel
Logistics Manager
"If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.
Anything you want to, do it, want to change the world?
There's nothing, to it
There is no life I know, to compare with Pure Imagination.
Living there, you'll be free, if you truly wish to be"
©2012 IMPL
Second Life address:
Angel Manor (20,185,22)
- Commerce / Shops / Furniture
- Art and Design / Art Galleries
- Entertainment / Music
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of The Rose Theatre
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Cultured and elegant are the ...

Cultured and elegant are the two words that instantly ran across my mind after entering The Rose Theatre. I am always looking for ways to enjoy the finer things Second Life has to offer and The Rose Theatre fits the bill. I was very happy not to get bombarded by im ...
It takes a while when ...

It takes a while when you first land for things to rez but it is well worth the wait. The subscriber greeter states that the sim is "A cultural mecca bringing together art, music and passion within one venue that will tantalize your senses and provide a visual and audible feast ...