Ciencia del Saber, as its Spanish name say, is mainly a place for discussing Science topics and daily matters; they debate from enigmas and mysteries topics, to economy, education, relationship, etc. so that, any of these topics might be of your interest for sure. Every week different activities are carried out, ...
Debates Ciencia del Saber Spain
second life business card
We are a serious group that organize Spanish discussions related with science, enigmas, mysteries and currently news. We have a karaoke, cinema, reading session, games, sandbox, shops, radio and many others fun entertainments. …
Besides, we have events and parties with rock and house music.
Contact to Maverick Naimarc
Second Life address:
Coast (47,167,24)
- Entertainment / Meeting Spaces
- Entertainment / Theaters and Cinemas
- Entertainment / Dancing and Night Clubs
Website URL:
Reviews of Debates Ciencia del Saber Spain
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Debates Ciencia del Saber Spain ...

Debates Ciencia del Saber Spain is a place to relax and hang out. When you first teleport in you land in a room with games such as Mahjong and Bubble Breaker. The next room has multiple soft beanbag chairs to sit on placed around a desk. This looks like a room ...
When it comes to socializing, ...

When it comes to socializing, entertaining and informing, any virtual traveler willing to visit a place offering various activities to chose from, might want to take a look into the 13.344 square meters coastal land of "Debates Ciencia del Saber Spain". "Debates Ciencia Del Saber" is a sim dedicated especially (bot ...