A small and cramped place, but it offers a wide array of luxuries that one might find at a cinema theater because well it is one. A fresh updated look has finally come to this once cluttered area of Second Life and brought about a new life into it with a ...
Tramp Movie Theater and Rental
second life business card
Imitation is the sincerest form flattery. Here at the Tramp Theater and Rental we gathered up all these elements to offer you the most fun, rewarding, and visual experience possible. So come in, be seen, hang out, look for some drama, make some friends, and go tell your friends afterwards.
Everything here to tingle your fancy. Earn some Lindens! Buy, rent movies for you Tramp Dvd player. and more to come soon!
Second Life address:
Loki (212,192,25)
- Entertainment / Theaters and Cinemas
- Employment / Online money-making / Camping and Lucky Stuff
- Media / Movie / TV
Reviews of Tramp Movie Theater and Rental
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
In the virtual world of ...

In the virtual world of Second Life, it is becoming apparent that most of those activities which we entertain ourselves with in real life, are now available to members here within Second Life. There is shopping, clubbing, hanging out with friends, even just finding a nice relaxing spot to chill. And ...
Welcome to the perfect place ...

Welcome to the perfect place to hang out and have fun in Second Life. You will find anything you need here in this full interactive place: freebies, games, movies and pinball camping. If you are looking forward to meet new interesting people, this is the perfect opportunity. You can enjoy the ...