The Elegant Goth's mainstore comfortably houses gallery after gallery of amazing furniture. Two floors of displays give easy access to different colorsets and permissions sets of the store's many great creations. Teleporter boards are located periodically throughout the store, and in the foyer on the top floor. The locations available are ...
The Elegant Goth
second life business card
The Elegant Goth caters to the goth community for their needs of elegant and beautiful gothic furniture, roleplay tools, cemetery decor and so much more! Come by our shop to demo any of our products, see our prefabs in full rez, explore our haunted insane asylum, take an adventure through our twisted wonderland, dance under the moon or just wander under the night sky.
Second Life address:
Eldritch (165,92,28)
- Commerce / Shops / Home and Garden
- Commerce / Shops / Prefabs & Prims
- Commerce / Shops / Furniture
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of The Elegant Goth
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The Castle/sim looks neat. The ...

The Castle/sim looks neat. The cemetery is well done. Fun to walk around and see, a little creepy, but they are supposed to be :) The Castle is awesome, well textured and even though just a store, it looks great anyway. The prices for their stuff are very reasonable, and cheap. ...
The architecture of the Gothic ...

The architecture of the Gothic era is just unbelievably astounding. Details excruciatingly crafted into each design piece have an elegant appearance and at the same time graphically horrifying to behold, but each piece is a masterfully crafted and shows a beauty like none other. Each of the unique colored designs for ...