To begin with, this place has many ways to have fun for you to choose. The light effects on the roof and side screens look awesome, it makes it more enjoyable when dancing, then you have many dances to choose, for instance normal single dance, couples dance and poledance. Then you ...
Club Broadway
second life business card
Start the fun today by becoming part of the Club Broadway. We have the best sound system in Second Life, from the dance, to the massive space in the club
with the credentials of popularizing a world renowned club. Club Broadway also hosts many events right from Live DJs to Live artists.
Second Life address:
Fab Island (91,215,28)
- Entertainment / Music
- Entertainment / Dancing and Night Clubs
Reviews of Club Broadway
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
As crazy as nightclubs in ...

As crazy as nightclubs in our world can get, there is nothing like the Broadway club scene. Second Life has lots of great nightclubs, but as much as the venue, it is the timing that determines the hot spot of the moment. Every night is different, different music, a different crowd, ...
The red carpet upon arrival ...

The red carpet upon arrival is a really nice welcome to visitors that will come and check this amazing club out! It was a true, warm welcome that will put a smile on any visitors face, as when they arrive, feeling of luxury and extreme fun will surely be in the ...