At Smokey Joe's Cafe you feel like you are at home, you are welcomed the moment you arrive. You also receive a Smokey Joe's Guitar from the super greeter, something I was not expecting. The dance floor is awesome, you feel like you are dancing in space with the dark background. ...
Smokey Joe's Cafe
second life business card
One of the largest cafes in second life, also included is a mini mall, arcade, a place to have more fun than you have ever had. We have a ballroom in the sky, a photo studio that free, and family oriented group. lots of meeroos for purchase, come join the fun, surrounded by ocean and lots to see. We have animals of all kinds, lots to do and see playground for the kids, place to take pictures and lots of dancing and music.
Second Life address:
Lost Reef Bay (136,50,22)
- Services / Music
- Entertainment / Dancing and Night Clubs
Reviews of Smokey Joe's Cafe
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Open 24 hours Smokey Joe's ...

Open 24 hours Smokey Joe's Café is a friendly place where you can enjoy good music and meet people in a quiet environment. Invite someone to dance or just sit and listen to the soft rhythms and melodies while you have a drink next to the beach. Many group and solo ...
Karaoke Smokey Joe's Cafe is ...

Karaoke Smokey Joe's Cafe is he largest family oriented club on Sl. The cafe is located in the heart of a commercial area. Is the first and only full time, all ages, karaoke establishment! Fun for the whole family, all ages are welcome during all business hours. At Joe's Cafe you ...