Security is one of the basic needs for business owners and residents, because we are always exposed to intruders or bad intentioned people. Have you thought to be resting on your land, dating, enjoying and face with invaders, or even people who are spying on us? Or, you who owns a ...
Ghost's Security Services (GSS™)
second life business card
Ghosts Security Services (GSS™)
Most people are unaware of the need for security in SL. until its too late. The feeling of being stalked, griefed, harassed or actively scammed can ruin your SL experience and at times can even potentially affect your RL.
Please note that the company can in no way be a considered a role-playing outfit as the services we offer are very real indeed.
GSS™ offer affordable, discrete, confidential and specialist tailored security packages to residents in SL to maximise their protection and safety in SL and prevent any such nightmares from happening.
We can recommend specific equipment and assist with the installation on your land, to ensure your privacy and security are maintained to keep you safe from harassment and harm.
GSS™ security packages are aimed at everyone, from a resident owning a rental apartment to a multi-sim business owner.
Each package is personally tailored to the individual as per their exact requirements.
These can be from a basic security review to a fully comprehensive ongoing maintenance contract.
All packages include a free no obligation consultation.
GSS™ are also proud to offer a Personal Safety Course for all residents wishing to enhance their safety and protection from griefers and stalkers etc, and also specialised Security Officer Training Courses for those residents and businesses either wishing to pursue an SL Career in Security, or train their own dedicated Security Teams.
In addition, we can create specialised and Customised Business IntraNet sites that will enhance your internal business communications, file storage and client databases way beyond the standard LL notecards and folders.
Second Life address:
McKindred Isle (127,101,21)
- Commerce / Shops / Weapons and Security
- Services / Training and Education
- Services / Commerce support
Website URL:
Business Images
Reviews of Ghost's Security Services (GSS™)
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
It is easy to provoke ...

It is easy to provoke and molest someone when you are not there in person, there is no personal responsibility, no real punishment. There are people who are unsatisfied with their life, so they find way to ruin your fun in Second Life and that gives them satisfaction they need. It ...
The store consist of four ...

The store consist of four floors. Each floor is kind of small but its nice and neat with very organized details of their products. This place seems to have anything you could ever want for security. There is even a script that will eject AFKs/camping players in your store and limit ...