Nice club to have a party, it has a dance floor enough large to accommodate enough people to have a great party. It also has an area for the DJ very well made, simulating those of the big clubs in the world, with large speakers and a mixer with two plates ...
Equilibrium night club
second life business card
Clubbers meet here!
Stylish, luxury and full interactive night club. Variety of high rated music. Live concerts, live shows.
The ideology of this night club is a place of meeting of interesting, friendly and creative people, good musics fans. Equilibrium is very friendly place and it is attractive for people from all of the world!
Club is devided to open air venue and hall.
Our staff holds parties at Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 11 0 11.30 a. m. SL Time.
You can book party here. Just IM Sasha7 Paulino for this and she will be happy to help you!
Second Life address:
Tentacle (139,40,498)
- Entertainment / Music
- Services / International / Language Communities / Russkij
- Entertainment / Dancing and Night Clubs
Website URL:
Business Images
Reviews of Equilibrium night club
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Nightlife is one of the ...

Nightlife is one of the must-do's in Second Life. After all, everybody loves to shop, explore and relax some, but all of these shopping and exploration always makes you ends up at a night club. After all, we are doing shopping mostly because of to look good to other people, right? ...
Equilibrium is a Russian nightclub, ...

Equilibrium is a Russian nightclub, in which, they welcome people of all nationalities. A perfect place where we can appreciate good music and lovely friendly people from all over the world. This night club is very elegant and luxurious, the choice of its furnishings are very good taste style and anything ...