Sometimes, you want to be able to put on a party, but don't want to spend thousands of Lindon on expensive club settings. Gotham Party Store has everything you need to throw anything from a simple birthday party to a New Years Blowout on your Sim without the need of spending ...
Gotham Party Store
second life business card
Full Permission Scripts, Curtains, Vehicles, GoKart, Arena Football, Hungry Hippos, Greeter, Mail Box, Trivia Orb, Raffle, Money Tree, Prim babies, Lazertag, Bumper Cars, Inner Tube, Paddle Boat, Kayak, Virtual Golf, Ad Boards, Billboards, PrizOrb, Xploder, LegalAtm, Animations, Gestures, Avatars, Furniture, Texture, Alpha Texture, Club Lighting, Bars, Tiki, Plants, Flowers, TV, Radio, Scripts, Sofa, Couch, Sculptie Furniture, Sculptie Palm Trees, RadioStreamer, Lamps, Lights, Tiki Furniture, Dance Floors, Camping, Area Camping, Vehicles, Donation, Emitters, Club Prefab, Store Prefab, Castle Prefab, Sculpt Furniture, Sculpt Palm Trees, Prefabs, Clothes, Boots, Shoes, Flexi Hair, Jeans, Shirts, Skirts, Tops, Bikini, Mens Pants, Mens tops, mens shirts, latex, heels, purses, jewelry, dresses, womens tops, womens jeans and so much more!
Second Life address:
Ironstorm (226,45,65)
- Commerce / Shops / Furniture
- Commerce / Shops / Malls
- Commerce / Marketplaces
Website URL:
Reviews of Gotham Party Store
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
What a store to party ...
What a store to party in! This store gives off a very welcoming and informative air the second you enter the store. With its helpful note card giver right there offering you very helpful information about the store! There is much to see here even with the remolding being done. This ...
It is party time. Surely ...
It is party time. Surely you are thinking of organizing a big party, or maybe you would like to see how the traffic of your land rises. Gotham Party Store offers a wide range of party related products. First let's take a look at the clothes. Here you will find gothic ...