Mercury Games
second life business card

The Hottest Gaming venue in SL With plenty of chances to win Linden!
No-Devil, Zyngo, 4Play, Reelwild, Deal Classic, Core, Flash, Zap, Parcheesi, Joker, Ace, Eclipse and Rage machines to satisfy your desire to play.
Instant wins with low target scores:
2x 3x 4x 5x 7x
100L 30Min Raffle
Replay for loyal Players.
Top Score PlayerBoards.
Jackpot Wheels
High Progressive Jackpots
Dont Forget to Wear this Group Tag to Participate!!!
Over 500, 000L in prizes and competitions to be won !

Reviews of Mercury Games

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

This is the place for ...

by paradossale Bellic

This is the place for all lovers of the game. In fact, here you will find many machines to play and to win big linden. Mercury Games is the hottest gaming venue in second life with plenty of chances to win Linden. The game room is very large very spacious. The ...

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