Everyone, who likes and needs art in his or her life, will certainly fell here like in home. This place is full of art, extraordinaire paintings moved from real life to Second Life. It's art gallery, very special one, very beautiful one. It's the best option if you are tired and ...
Bona's Steelhead Waterfront gallery
second life business card
SL Artist Bonafide Aries's new main gallery can be found at the Steelhead sim, A great relaxed atmosphere. Bona creates original SL art, highly textured, bold in color, accented with visual rhythm, often called Visual Jazz. Works are Jazz and Mythos inspired and often present an inquiry, a mystery or a story. Where possible works are resizable and transferable as gifts, Also available are Limited Edition works for investment and value seekers.
Second Life address:
Steelhead (164,139,23)
- Entertainment / Music
- Entertainment / Poetry and Spoken Word
- Art and Design / Art Galleries
Reviews of Bona's Steelhead Waterfront gallery
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Bona's Steelhead Waterfront Gallery is ...

Bona's Steelhead Waterfront Gallery is located in a quaint brick fixture in the waterfront area. With more than thirty pieces of artwork by Second Life artist Bonafide Aries in exhibition, this two-storey gallery is a one-of-a-kind location to visit. You can spend some quality time enjoying the artwork here. Whether it ...
When first entering the Bona's ...

When first entering the Bona's Steelhead Waterfront gallery you get welcomed by some beautiful, colorful paintings and a very fascinating sculpture in the middle of the room. The painting are all displayed in decent minimalistic borders so the painting gets all the attention it deserves. There are lots of different painting ...