Sharkfin Landscapes & Decals
second life business card

Sharkfin Landscapes & Decals - For all Tree Screen Privacy Walls and Wall Decals. Seamless Privacy Screens for just 55L each and all Wall Decals/Wall Tattoos for just 30L. Caribbean Ocean Blue Water effect for just 99L to turn any Linden Water into a Tropical glow.

Reviews of Sharkfin Landscapes & Decals

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

If you're looking for a ...

by Preston Exonar

If you're looking for a complete overhaul of your outdoor living, be sure to stop by at this affordable hidden gem in Second Life. Here at Sharkfin, every detail to their landscaping products are definitely a worthy buy, while being affordable at the same time. They're simple, stylish, and a great ...

Resident's screenshots:

"Sharkfin Decals & Landscapes" is ...

by paradossale Bellic

"Sharkfin Decals & Landscapes" is a shop that provides you the solution for your privacy in your home. Often your neighbors and their buildings, are troublesome for you, and you want to isolate yourself from them. In "Landscapes & Decals Sharkfin" you can find everything you need to get it. It ...

Resident's screenshots:

The shop is small, but ...

by Azeala Mumfuzz

The shop is small, but it packs a punch for what it is! It has a lot of class for it's size. It's clean, sleek and how it's set up it makes everything very easy to find, and the owner made the specialty items the focal point of attention, so you ...

Resident's screenshots: