Is an enclosed space, there is no windows and no door to go out and there is a pillar in the middle. The room is filled with panels titled "Advertising network panel" to answer a series of questions about the products in this store. In the center pillar there are panels ...
HMG System - Ads Network Panel
second life business card
Get traffic for free.
Try our new advertising network panel to get traffic for 100 %free for your shop or public place.
Second Life address:
Phoenix Shopping (223,20,2501)
- Advertising and Marketing / Advertising Services in Second Life
- Advertising and Marketing / Traffic exchange
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of HMG System - Ads Network Panel
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
You have inWorld store, club ...

You have inWorld store, club or hangout place and want people to visit it. You try advertising it through friends, on groups, but nothing happens. There is a solution to that! You need HMG Advertising Panel! It is simple to install, intelligent and safe. Why intelligent and safe? There are solutions ...
The one thing that makes ...

The one thing that makes or breaks any business in Second Life is traffic and knowing how to get that traffic to come to you. HMG System provides a free alternative to get you visits and money for using the system. All you have to do is go to the main ...