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Fluke creates some of the most unique and realistic shapes in Second Life. We've expanded and now offer poses! Take your photography to the next level with these unique and creative poses. Stop by and see what you've been missing!

Reviews of Fluke

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

I heard a rumor that ...

by QueenAbrams Resident

I heard a rumor that there were good poses for purchase that don't cost an arm and a leg. I am hear to say it's not rumor but fact! Fluke is the name of the place and it has great poses for great prices. I know by now you are saying ...

Resident's screenshots:

Some of the most remarkable ...

by pikabean Resident

Some of the most remarkable poses I've seen around. Some of the pose packages they have include sports, hanging out by the pool, classical dance, and even gorgeous floor poses! They also have some unique male and creative couples poses. I will definitely be returning when I find myself needing an ...

Resident's screenshots:

In this store you will ...

by Bsukmet Stormcrow

In this store you will find high-quality shapes for both women and men. They are all very realistic and best of all are their unbeatable prices. You will find the shape you need at half the price of what you're used to see. You can test each shape getting a free ...

Resident's screenshots: