Eos Games
second life business card

Eos Games features over L$500,000 in jackpots at two full game sims!
No Devil, King Bing, Solitaire, Zyngo, Deal Evolution/ Ultimate and many more games.
30 Minute, Daily and Weekly Contests
Up to L$5,000/day player bonuses

Second Life address:
Eos (189,131,21)

- Entertainment / In-World Games / Casino

Reviews of Eos Games

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Eos Games is a massive ...

by CW Washborne

Eos Games is a massive gaming arena that will have something for everyone who enjoys a little gamble on the Second Life gaming machines. There are over 30 different types of games available and each has a large number of each game available. The venue is well laid out with games ...

Resident's screenshots: