Great quality, reasonable prices, latest style apparel products for a beautiful life. Found an extensive collection of women’s formal wear and sexy clothes in Cristal's Creations. Take a look at this store full of beautiful formal gowns and cheap dresses we're sure you will found something for you . If you have a cocktail parties or a date, you typically ...
Cristal's Creations
second life business card
This is a new, fine and elegant line of couture that enhances your beauty, you will find also casual clothes for the every day activities but elegants.
Collections for the summer time, for the spring as well as for that special ocassion or elegant party. We also have some Neko creations for that fun day.
High cuality clothing with a new concept in Second Life that will make your avi look excelent and ready to go for any activity.
One of the most finest, elegant fun and unique clothes that enhances your beauty.
Clothes you will love to wear.
Esta es una línea de costura, nueva, elegante y fina que resaltará tu belleza. También encontrarás ropa casual para las actividades diarias.
Colecciones para el verano y la primavera, así como para aquella noche especial y para tus fiestas elegantes. También tenemos algunas creaciones para Nekos para aquellos dias de diversión.
Un nuevo concepto en Second Life de ropa de alta calidad que harán lucir a tu avi excelentemente y listo para cualquier actividad.
Una de las finas, elegantes, divertidas y unicas lineas de ropa que realzarán tu belleza.
Ropa que te encantará usar.
Second Life address:
Full Moon (79,19,22)
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
Reviews of Cristal's Creations
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Prepare yourself to immediately fall ...

Prepare yourself to immediately fall in love with the modern lines and colorful way of which every grown and dress has. All of the clothes are in different and amazing styles. I can promise you that you would walk away from Cristal's Creations happy with what you bought. The prices are ...
Fashion is a really big ...

Fashion is a really big deal in Second Life. It is an essential part of our virtual world experience. Everyone has their own ideals on what their look should be. Being able to find those stores which will provide a variety of clothing options makes providing your fashion needs less of ...