Set in a small Scottish village with many street venders. There's a Castle on the hill where you can take a guided tour by Hot Air Balloon, with a narration to read as you go about. Bring your friends and have some fun, they have traditional events, Quiz nights, Live singers ...
Loch Ness Inn
second life business card
Traditional Scottish Inn where you will find friendship, fun and good traditional events. We do regular Quiz Nights, Ceilidh's, Live Singers, DJs and general relaxing by the fire.
Second Life address:
Inverness City (53,129,22)
- Entertainment / Dancing and Night Clubs
- Entertainment / Music
Website URL:
Business Images
Reviews of Loch Ness Inn
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Looking for a Scottish inn? ...

Looking for a Scottish inn? Or maybe you are just looking for a Scottish themed Sim? in both cases "Loch Ness Inn" is the best place for you!. This beautiful Sim will keep you entertained by all the land escaping; you will be surprised when you see the awesome details and ...
Optimal reception, and I've just ...
ENGLISH Optimal reception, and I've just got welcomed, very nice place, has a bar type, many houses for rent, has until cemetery, a quiet place, good for making friends. I liked the place. PORTUGUÊS Otima recepção,mal cheguei e já me deram boas vindas,lugar muito agradavel,tem tipo um bar,muitas casas para alugar,tem ...