The Midnight Poets Retreat should be a regular stop for all those who want to enjoy modern poetry written by those in Second Life and for those who wish to develop their poetry writing skills further. This stylish venue has a selection of seating for you to relax and enjoy the ...
The Midnight Poets Retreat
second life business card
The Midnight Poets' retreat is a poetry lounge. Where poetry is performed along with the performance of short stage plays. There is also a lounge on the roof for the the poetry workshop that takes place each Monday evening from 6:00pm slt to 7:30pm slt. This is where we critique poetry and hone our writing skills. This lounge is located on a scenic sim where poets can sit and write as they become inspired by the calmness of the sim... The regular poetry nights are, Sunday and Wednesday, times are: 7:30 pm slt to 9:30 pm slt.. and its open to all poets young and old. Sexually explicit or sexually descriptive poetry is not read or performed is is not allowed...
Second Life address:
Summerside Black Pearl (229,65,2)
- Entertainment / Poetry and Spoken Word
Reviews of The Midnight Poets Retreat
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The Midnight Poets' retreat is ...

The Midnight Poets' retreat is a place where international poets with thousands of poems and creative writers meet. A nexus for poets and poems in Second life. Poetry is many things to many people but in The Midnight Poets' retreat you can communicate your creativity to others and have fun. Read ...
The Midnight Poets' retreat comes ...

The Midnight Poets' retreat comes divided in 3 main areas: On the roof, there is a small, presumably private, performance stage. The main level sports a bar room and the main performance room. The performance room offers cafe style seating for about 20 guests per default, but can probably host roughly ...