Mint Bailey's Bar & Mall
second life business card

Mint Baileys: A Club to have fun with friends & Listen to all types of music!!! Greedy, Music, Club, FUN!
Rental shops and home are available!!

Reviews of Mint Bailey's Bar & Mall

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

This is a full interactive ...

by Nicky Hausner

This is a full interactive fun place to explore. It is one of the hottest places to dance, hang out and have fun in Second Life. It is open 24 hours and offers you a very friendly environment to meet people and get the chance to earn some lindens. You will ...

Resident's screenshots:

Mint Bailey's Bar & Mall, ...

by NigelliusNitrox Resident

Mint Bailey's Bar & Mall, as its name suggests, merges a number of places together. Within its neon green interior, this location has a large dance floor, a number of shops, and even a beach bonfire and several fishing spots. The bar frequently hosts events and dances for visitors to enjoy ...

Resident's screenshots:

Mint Baily's Bar/Brea's Closet and ...

by Kerby Lusch

Mint Baily's Bar/Brea's Closet and Gestures has a new location at Ninia now, but was worth the search. Upon arrival you're greeted by serene blue waters, sand and sun. The collection of small islands connected by bridges is a pleasant surprise and a welcoming environment. Brea's Gestures were fun and creative, ...