The Lolo Pet Shop
second life business card

The Lolo Pet Shop features all kinds of animals & pets, including several "wearable" kittens, parrots, monkeys and dragons. At Lolo, you'll find every kind of pet imaginable... from parrots to sit on your shoulder to fluffy kittens to play with. Take home a cat or dog that you can feed & play with. Lots of unusual animals too — like vampire bats, wolves, and even velociraptors!

Second Life address:
The LOLO (85,186,40)

- Commerce / Shops / Animals

Website URL:

SL Marketplace page:

Business Images

Reviews of The Lolo Pet Shop

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

The animal world in Second ...

by Ehecatl Nyoki

The animal world in Second Life is a very important part of the virtual world. You can get yourself a nice avatar that will transform you into a beautiful butterfly, a cute cat, a happy energetic poppy, an adventurous bird, whatever you want to be! And if you are looking for ...

Resident's screenshots:

This shop is a MUST ...

by arion Fanbridge

This shop is a MUST see for any interested in pets and animals. The prices are cheap and the quality good. A funny thing to greet you when you enter the sim is a realistic alligator. It's jaws seem to snap menacingly at any who get near as well coloration that ...

Resident's screenshots:

The LOLO Pet Shop has ...

by Zachary Arandur

The LOLO Pet Shop has a huge selection of all different kinds of animals and insects. The collections are very diverse, and the scenery is fascinating and detailed. Everything is divided into sections, so that what you're looking for is located easily. Go on a safari and see what creatures lurk ...

Resident's screenshots: